This course is primarily devoted to learning about the singing bowls and experiencing the method and about the sound and sound therapy and the basics of the SVHP technique for yourself, your family and friends. The class also covers things such as care and cleaning of the bowls, tools, and how to buy bowls. The Basic SHVP training includes information about personal use of the bowls for meditation and further techniques for using the bowls in a therapeutic session. In this workshop each student will have the first hands on training in using the bowls in a pre-described manner to provide a predictable outcome.
The aim of this course is to convey the Sound Yoga® Sound-Vibration Healing Process as a holistic method and to familiarize participants with basic principles of the Sound Yoga® Sound-Vibration Healing Process. You will have the opportunity to experience the whole process on yourself, receive your first instructions in SVHP application and as a result you will be able to independently perform the SVHP for private use, Limited Professional use.
about Effects on Body & Benefits:-
The harmonic sounds immediately convey feelings of safety
and security, and quickly state of deep relaxation is achieved. The subtle
sound vibrations are felt physically, spread gently over the skin, tissue,
organs, bones and body fluids throughout the body. The muscles relax and blood
circulation and lymph flow are stimulated. In the relaxation process, it
regenerates breathing, heartbeat, pulse, skin resistance, blood pressure,
metabolism and digestive system.
In various exercises you will learn the effect of sound.
You receive and give an introductory sound-vibration healing for:
The Full back & Front
The whole body with Meridian Work Theory
Meditation & Self Care Use
to Expect:
Hands on class in learning how to use Sound Yoga® highest grade
of therapy bowls specifically designed for predictable outcome in on the body
work with clients by professional therapists.
This is a class for therapists looking to do on the body sound
work with their clients. The course is one & Half day and is the
prerequisite to the advanced series.
This is a class strictly in singing bowl sound massage. The
method is built on the Peter Hess method Sound Yoga® Massage in
Germany. We have condensed the class and are able to deliver all the material
in one & Half day because the students are all experienced in working with
clients already in a professional setting. This allows us to maintain a finer focus on
the subject matter and how to apply in a healing setting.
The Sound Yoga® Pro bowls penetrate deep
to the core when used correctly. They are made of a proprietary blend of alloy
metals and hand hammered and fired to specifications that create them of unique
effective sound massage available in the world today. Our bowls are
considered hospital grade in Europe and other parts of the world where sound
vibration massage is being used for many years now.
Class instruction
*How to use the specifically designed mallets for this type work
with bowls on the body sound massage. Choosing the right bowl for application.
*Short video on how sound vibration, sound waves actually occur
and work as frequency vibrational therapy.
*Partner practice and demonstration in the proper use of each
bowl, various striking techniques.
*Contra indications for certain types of techniques.
*Timing of session and evaluating the prescribed course of
treatments per client.
*How to work with elderly and various type clients.
*The power of self Tonification. Harmonizing and creating the
sound spectrum.
*All about how singing bowls in particular create entrainment
effect on brain through binaural beats.
*What it takes to make a great sound practitioner. Who we are in
our practice with our clients. How sound creates a new relationship to healing
for the client.
*How using a short amount of sound can create a more
robust treatment for practitioner. Why is sound work with Sound Yoga® so successful.
*Practitioners are taught in how to induce the theta brain wave
state with only 3 specific singing bowls and one small awakener bowl.
*The difference between using Sound Yoga® singing bowls and other electronic type sound brain wave
Sound Yoga® instruction booklet and other notes
on sound will be sent via email for further study.
The class will be held at 136.1 Studio in Dubai Marina
Purchase of singing bowls is required to take this class and receive the certification.
(if you already have the bowls set please inform while booking)
Integrated Level 1 PRO & Level 2 – Fees is AED 2750 + Therapy Set Of AED .2750/- Per Set
The set is 5 singing bowls include
11.5" 2080 gr. deep resonator lower lumbar/ lower abdomen bowl.
9.5" 1350 gr. Upper body or Heart bowl
9" 980gr. Universal resonator bowl.
6.5” 700 gr – Small Heart Bowl
4." Awakener bowl 3 different beaters, 2 suede sticks, wood stick, cotton draw string bags and felt rings &Therapy Bag
The sets are pre tuned to work together. Each student is free to pick their own set and to add any other bowls up to 12" at 15% discount.
Reserve your space by contacting
Prem Amit - 0526341860 ,
Mr. Manan Sharma -
Certification or taking this training does not guarantee being on the or
Course Duration / Days: 20 hours, Three Days
Time Date: From Thursday 16th Nov 2017 - 7pm to 9 pm
Friday 17th Nov - 10 to 6 pm
Saturday 18th Nov - 10 to 6pm
No. of Seats: 20 Persons Maximum
Who Can Benefit -
Specifically designed for all interested Individuals /
Professionals / Complementary Therapists like Physiotherapist / Psychotherapist
/ Hypnotherapist / Nurses / Other Medical & Social Practitioners /
Corporate Groups & Individuals for Stress Management / School Teachers /
Gym & Yoga Studios Instructors.
-Manan Sharma
The purpose of this training is to widen the application of SVHP from body to the non-material environment, i.e. bioenergetics field (aura). To encourage, refine and emphasize your awareness and appreciation of this area. To expand your sensitivity to this realm of being and to the sound. We also focus on the "power of consciousness the mental focus and inner attitude which is the base of the wholeness of our method and our actions as a SVHP practitioner.
What to Expect:
The curriculum incorporates the use of Sound Yoga singing bowls and gongs,performing the work in the aura such as cleansing, strengthening, and harmonizing of the subtle body. Strengthening health in the holistic sense (as outside, so inside and vice versa).
We will work on massage tables, and on floor mats with cushions.
Programme : Aura, and it’s significance in the sound work. Aura awareness, sensing of the aura through our hands Sensing of the aura through sound of singing bowls and gongs Application of the singing bowls and gongs in the aura, aura painting, and packing Principles of grounding through sound Cleansing, strengthening and harmonizing aura with fen gongs Practicing new elements with basic
Thanks for joining us wiht life changing experience through sound work using singing bowls and gongs.
Much Love & Respect
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